Betting on AFL
AFL Football
What do we know about the mysterious country of Australia? The fact that its nature is very specific and unique, but we will not talk about this here, in this article, but about AFL betting and how you can make money on it. Even if you are already an experienced player, reading this article to the end will not hurt you, because the information is never superfluous.
Australian football appeared in the late 19th century. It is a mixture of Gaelic, American and regular football with rugby. The first Australian football league was created in 1897, but only in 2000 it was merged with the leagues of other states, as a result of which the AFL appeared.
In the country, Australian football is not just a game, but practically a religion. The average attendance of AFL games is about 40 thousand people, and up to hundreds of thousands of people come to individual play-off matches. Each of the Australian states has a league system that allows young players to grow and progress.
The Australian Football League, which is very easy to bet on in 2019, is Australia's strongest football division. The year of its formation should be considered 1990 - it was then that the Australian Football League era began. Australian football bets are popular in Australia. Bets are drawn up by amateurs, so odds often reflect the preferences of fans, rather than objective probability. The advantage of the Australian Football League is that it runs from March to September when the famous football championship goes on holiday.
Live AFL Odds
Live AFL odds help you win, so it would be completely wrong not to understand this topic. What are these numbers and why do bookmakers give them so much attention? AFL odds are multipliers that show how many times the amount staked will increase in the event of a victory. Many top bookmakers deliberately understate them, but we offer the best live AFL odds.
How to understand the logic of AFL odds? Nothing is so difficult. If you take 1000 dollars and bet them on an outcome that you think will be winning, with a multiplier of 1.65, then if you win, you take 1,650 dollars. On our site, you can easily get acquainted with the AFL odds today.

Bet on AFL Now!
Australian football is an unusual game. But only for those who face it for the first time. So, it becomes clear that the analysis of this team game is not more difficult than for hockey or regular football. The system is still the same – you need to study statistics, read analyses, look at comments, reviews, news. It is important to know the composition of the teams, see the information about the leading players. Who has any injuries, who is new to the team? Even the factor of home or away match is also of great importance.
AFL betting is no different from the usual football betting:
1. Match Outcome
2. Handicap
3. Total
4. Long-term bet on winning the championship
There are no strategies developed specifically for AFL betting, but it is possible to try some football strategies that can also give results. Bet on AFL here!